About Us
“Pupils at Hinton St. George thrive.”
“Pupils who join at other times are quickly welcomed into this inclusive and friendly community.”
“Pupils behave well.”
“The school has high expectations of all its pupils, and they have high expectations of themselves. The school encourages all pupils to be the best they can be.”
Ofsted February 2024

We are a Primary School accommodating all years up to Year 6.
The school is situated in the picturesque village of Hinton St. George in Somerset and serves the parishes of Hinton St. George, Dinnington and Lopen. Our dedicated team of governors and staff aim to create a happy, caring, well-organised environment in which each child feels secure and valued as an individual. We endeavour to work closely with our parents and community to create a learning partnership. The school accommodates children aged from 4+ to 11 years and is organised into three classes but St George’s Pre-school housed on the premises takes children from the term after their 2nd birthday..
Any parent considering applying to the school should telephone to make an appointment to see the Headteacher, Mrs Charlotte Hall.
Our classes are:
Sprout Class – Years Reception 1 and 2: taught by Mr James Batchelor
Sapling Class – Years 3 and 4: taught by Miss Tegan Swanwick
Oak Class – Years 5 and 6: taught by Mr
Phil Griffiths
Hinton School achieves very good results for the children. Please click here to visit the Ofsted Website and learn more.

Ethos Statement
The Christian foundation of the school ensures that the spiritual development of the children and Christian values have a particular emphasis within the whole life of the school. In accordance with the principles of the Church of England and in partnership with the Church at parish and diocesan level, we aim to develop within our children not only an awareness of self and sensitivity to others, but also the acquisition of a set of moral values and the confidence to make moral judgements and develop habits of self-discipline and acceptable behaviour. The school aims to serve its community by providing an education of the highest quality within the context of Christian belief and practice.
Our Aims
Our broad aims at Hinton are; to enlarge a child’s knowledge, experience and imaginative understanding, to develop an awareness of spiritual and moral values and a capacity for enjoyment and to enable him or her to become a responsible and active participant in society and achieve as much independence as possible.
Our more specific aims at school are that each child should be able…
To read fluently and accurately with understanding, feeling, discrimination and with enjoyment.
To develop a legible style of handwriting and satisfactory standard of spelling, syntax, punctuation and usage.
To communicate clearly and confidently in speech and writing.
To listen attentively and with understanding.
To learn how to acquire information from various sources.
To learn and to apply computational skills with speed and accuracy.
To understand the applications of mathematical ideas and apply these in various situations.
To observe the world around him/her and recognise certain characteristics, patterns and order.
To develop an inquiring mind.
To investigate, analyse and solve problems.
To develop an awareness of themselves and a sensitivity towards others, acquire a set of moral values and the confidence to make moral judgements.
To be aware of different aspects of the local environment and our national heritage.
To experience and use music, drama, arts and crafts as means of expression.
To develop the use of tools, equipment and various other modern instruments.
To develop agility and physical coordination, confidence through physical activity and the enjoyment and ability to express themselves through movement and games.
Promoting Fundamental British Values
In accordance with The Department for Education we aim to actively promote British values in schools to ensure young people leave school prepared for life in modern Britain. Pupils are encouraged to regard people of all faiths, races and cultures with respect and tolerance and understand that while different people may hold different views about what is “right” and “wrong”, all people living in England are subject to its law.
The Key Values are:
rule of law
individual liberty
mutual respect
tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs
A Brief History of Education in Hinton St George
The earliest account of education in Hinton St George dates back to the mid 16th century.
Children continued to be educated in Hinton during the 17th and 18th centuries, and by 1840, there were at least two private schools – one for boys and the other for girls. One of these continued until the 1880s. In 1850 the present school, (affiliated to the National Society), was settled in trust by Earl Poulett. It is said that it had accommodation for 228 children – though on average only half this number attended school regularly!
In 1903, the school consisted of two classrooms and a house for the teacher. In 1949, the school accepted voluntary controlled status and in 1972 was re-organised into a First School taking children from 5 – 9 years. Our ‘Controlled’ status means that the school is a Church of England Voluntary Controlled School and so has a Christian foundation. This is maintained by its close links with the village church.